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    二级乡村药房 安东尼的披萨 骑士的餐厅




     图片由Jennifer Patselas Photography提供 www.jenniferpatselas.com


    2008年-天际线乐团成立. 26岁的学生. 在公园音乐节上获得86分的优秀评价, A组第一名, 综合高分管弦乐队.

    2009-在公园音乐节上获得96分的优异评价, AA组第一名, 综合高分管弦乐队. Superior rating at MSBOA District 12 Band and Orchestra Festival at 天际线高中. 在德克斯特高中的MSBOA州立乐队和管弦乐团音乐节上获得了优异的评价.

    2010-Superior Rating with a score of 93 at the Fiesta-Val Invitational in New York, 公开组第一名, 小提琴组杰出独奏家奖. Superior rating at MSBOA District 12 Band and Orchestra Festival at Saline High School. Superior rating at MSBOA State Band and Orchestra Festival at Warren Woods High School.

    2011年,迈克尔·霍普金斯的第一件委托作品. 在公园音乐节上获得94分的高分, A组第一名, 在桑达斯基的综合高分管弦乐队, OH. Superior rating at District 12 Band and Orchestra Festival at 先锋高中.  乐团的高级, 莎拉Hiltner, received the National School Orchestra Award and Brian Chang received the Director's Award.

    2012- Moxie弦乐艺术家驻场. Excellent rating (II) at District 12 Band and Orchestra Festival for Philharmonic Orchestra.  Superior rating (I) at District 12 Band and Orchestra Festival for Symphony Orchestra.  20 Superior (I) ratings and 3 Excellent (II) ratings at State Solo and Ensemble with all proficiency exams earning an A rating (scores 93-100).  在MSBOA国家管弦乐团音乐节上,交响乐团获得优秀评价(I).  Score of 96 at 音乐 in the Parks Festival earning the Skyline Orchestra a Superior rating (I),  A组第一名, 以及音乐节上得分最高的乐团. 乐团的高级  Karen Duan received the National School Orchestra Award and Carmen Flesher received the Director's Award.

    2013年,乐团作为中间乐团加入.  Superior rating (I) at District 12 Band and Orchestra Festival for 音乐会 Orchestra in March.  Superior rating (I) at District 12 Band and Orchestra Festival for Symphony Orchestra in March.  17 Superior (I) ratings and 9 Excellent (II) ratings at MSBOA State Solo and Ensemble Festival.  所有的熟练程度考试都获得了及格分数.  音乐会 Orchestra received a 1 rating at 密歇根 School Band and Orchestra Association State Orchestra Festival in May.  Symphony Orchestra received straight 1 ratings at 密歇根 School Band and Orchestra Association State Orchestra Festival.  爱乐乐团成员, 音乐会, 和参加桑达斯基公园音乐节的交响乐团, 并获得了94分(满分100分).  这个分数为他们赢得了一个高级评级, AA组第一名, 以及音乐节总得分最高的乐团.  Composer Annika Socolofsky came and did a composition clinic with with Philharmonic, 音乐会, 和交响乐团在6月5日.  每个乐队在一小时结束前都写了一篇简短的作品. 2013-2014年度进步最大的音乐家——塔伊娅·科克.  2013-2014年度最杰出组奖-爱乐第二小提琴, 音乐会第二小提琴, 交响乐中提琴.  Shin Lee received the National School Orchestra Award and Matthew Utsunomiya received the Director's Award.

    2014-We dedicated the new grand piano at our 音乐 and a Meal Performance of Saint-Saens Christmas Oratorio.  Superior rating (I) at District 12 Band and Orchestra Festival by both 音乐会 and Symphony Orchestra on February 28th.  24 Superior (I) ratings and 4 Excellent (II) ratings at MSBOA State Solo and Ensemble Festival at Chelsea High School in March.  所有的熟练程度考试都获得了及格分数.  音乐会 Orchestra received an Excellent (II) rating at MSBOA State Orchestra Festival on May 2nd.  Symphony Orchestra received straight Superior (I) ratings at MSBOA State Orchestra Festival held at 天际线高中 on May 2nd.  爱乐乐团成员, 音乐会, 和交响乐团去了洛杉矶, 4月CA春假期间参加论坛音乐节.  They performed for two concert judges and were adjudicated using a national rubric.  The orchestra received a score of 93 that earned them a Gold rating and placed them in the 10% of High School Orchestras nationwide.  埃琳娜·钱伯斯被评委授予杰出独奏家奖.  The festival orchestra has been invited to perform in the Governors Invitational due to their Gold Rating and high score.  Thanks to a Skyline Friends of the Arts grant the orchestra was able to participate in a Disney Instrumental Clinic were they learned about soundtrack recordings, 录音室音乐家的生活, 以及视读的重要性.  乐团在90分钟的诊所里录制了五部迪士尼电影的音乐.  2014-2015年度进步最大的音乐家被授予爱德华·布鲁姆.  2014-2015年最杰出组奖-爱乐第二小提琴, 音乐会中提琴, 第一小提琴交响曲.  Kakishima千寻荣获国家学校管弦乐团奖, Gean Almendras获得导演奖, 罗伯特·泰勒获得昆西·琼斯音乐奖.  

    2015-Superior rating (I) at District 12 Band and Orchestra Festival by Symphony Orchestra  and an Excellent rating (II) by  音乐会 Orchestra on March 5th.  Symphony Orchestra received straight Superior (I) ratings at MSBOA State Orchestra Festival held at 天际线高中 on May 2nd. 2015-2016年度进步最大的音乐家被授予安吉拉·所罗门.  2015-2016年度最杰出组奖-爱乐第一小提琴, 音乐会第二小提琴, 第二小提琴交响曲.  Leah Borquez被授予国家学校管弦乐团奖, 奥利维亚·波普获得导演奖, 毗瑟努·坎南获得昆西·琼斯音乐奖.  

    2016-We embarked upon an exciting journey to do a side by side concert with the Ann Arbor Symphony.  Our students enjoyed sectionals lead by Ann Arbor Symphony musicians and rehearsals lead by Ann Arbor Symphony director, 阿里利普斯基.  January 31st we performed with the Ann Arbor Symphony with our students sharing a stand with the professional musician.  这是一场令人难以置信的音乐会,对天际线学生来说是一次很棒的经历.  阿里利普斯基 served as our guest conductor for Orchestra Night leading the Symphony Orchestra in Tchaikovsky's Romeo and Juliet.  埃琳娜•钱伯斯, concertmaster, won the 密歇根 Pops 音乐会o Competition and will be their featured soloist in their April concert.  




    2018-Symphony Orchestra performed a collaborative concert with the Dexter Community Orchestra and Saline Chamber Orchestra in September.  This was a great start to the school year and gave the students a chance to see how music can continue throughout your entire life.  珍妮特·坎农来给学生们讲Viola de Gamba.  Ms. Cannon did a collaborative project and performance in January with Philharmonic Orchestra at the Winter 音乐会.  Superior rating (I) at District 12 Band and Orchestra Festival by Symphony and 音乐会 Orchestra.  在卡内基音乐厅和圣. 保罗在春假期间去使徒教会.