• 亲爱的六年级家长们:

    欢迎来到美高梅博彩家庭主页. We hope the information you find here assists you in supporting your child while s/he is learning important skills and concepts throughout the sixth grade year. 
    Four key sources inform the middle school Social Studies program; (1) 密歇根大学年级水平内容期望, (2) C3大学框架, 社会研究的职业和公民生活国家标准, (3)活着的社会研究! (4)活着的历史!. The Michigan GLCEs define what the state expects students to know and be able to do in Social Studies at the end of each grade level. Atlas中的单元正在开发中. 请查看更新: 阿特拉斯:六年级的社会学


















































































    谁:谁是文明的? 为什么权力不平等??

























  • 六年级社会研究单元

    本单元强调 基金会 社会研究. M中学生是天生的社会科学家. 他们在社会中的角色是他们最关心的, 以及敏锐的观察技巧, 漏洞百出, 采购, and considering context will help them be successful in their daily lives. Social Studies 基金会 will frame the content in a meaningful way, 从而提高学生的参与度和学习. 作者 面对历史 和基础单元,指出:

    “作为学习世界历史的学生, they will explore how individuals and groups over time and across continents have answered questions about identity. They will learn that many of the same factors that influence their identities—factors such as 宗教, 性别, 和地理——也塑造了古希腊人的身份, 玛雅人, 和中国人. 因此, this lesson establishes an important social studies theme that will resonate throughout the year.

    同时, beginning the year by having students examine and share their own identities is a way to build relationships in your class. 当六年级学生开始新学年的时候, 经常和不熟悉的同学和老师在一起, it is particularly important for them to have the opportunity to get to know their new community and to become known by others. The activities suggested in this lesson begin this process of relationship building."

    课堂上,我们会看到餐厅的场景. Teachers will point out explicitly the skills they are using to unravel the mystery, and how those skills connect to what social scientists--historians, 地理学家, 而考古学家们,也在研究过去. 从那里, students will take those skills and apply them within the contexts of the social sciences while setting the st年龄 with a case study of ancient human history through a forensic case study of a Mayan ball game.

    然后学生们就会“找到自己的方向”," thinking about how space and time need to be visually represented for us to keep information organized to we can make sense of it. This Active 教室 activity separates maps into time, space and history. 学生们参与将地理与历史联系起来的活动, so they can see that they are two pieces of the same puzzle of understanding human history. 了解更多关于 阿特拉斯:如何成为一名社会科学家

    学生将探索 离散的犹太人 人类历史. 学习 large scale human history as a beginning to a closer study of culture, movement patterns and events allows students to understand the miraculous conditions that allowed humans to flourish. From the perspective of this unit students are challenged to consider that the choices we make provides a set of positive and negative consequences. 学生将学习 shift from hunting and gathering to agriculture by considering the things we gained and lost through the "opportunity-cost" perspective rather than the more traditional approach of "the catalyst of human progress".

    符合2015年以地理为重点的新标准, students will begin with a role-playing simulation that requires them to learn specific biomes, to imagine they are plopped down in a certain region of the world, 除了基本的工具箱什么都没有(没有衣服), 食物, 或避难所!). 学生 will understand the complexity of early survival and the interrelationship with the environment. 以他们在第一单元学到的解释技巧为基础, students examine cave paintings to hypothesize lifestyle choices and necessities for early paleolithic peoples. 学生 recall the mapping skills learned in Unit One to get a visual perspective of the human 离散的犹太人 which maps the migration out of Africa, and sets the st年龄 to understanding the next big topic: shifting from hunting and gathering to an agrarian way of life. 学生 will culminate their learning of early humans in an analysis of the issue of who gets the rights to study Kennewick man's remains. 了解更多关于 阿特拉斯:我们是怎么来到这里的?

    学生将学习 地理位置 世界历史. 一旦人类开始耕种土地, our settled lifestyle resulted in the first growing civilizations, 很快就变成了城邦. It is here that we see the birth of complex social structures such as government, 工作多样化, 社会等级制度. 我们与这片土地的联系影响了我们的决定, 我们想象的技术和我们建立的关系. 学生将探讨以下问题:1. 当时的自然地理和现在一样吗? 2. 未来的地理变化将如何塑造我们的未来?

    学生将探索 cause-effect progression of diverse civilizations, and how the "where" of each civilization shows both how similarly humans assemble, and the stark differences that 地理位置 dictates for the shape of our societies. 学生将加深他们对地球作为一个行星的理解, 研究板块构造和大陆. 为下一单元的文明崛起做准备, students will explore the major river valleys of the world through mapping labs. 了解更多关于 阿特拉斯:这有什么大不了的

    学生将学习 公民 世界历史 中东地区是这一进展的一个案例研究. 学生将采用全班探究, and then in groups they will take on other emergent civilizations from this era around the world to compare and contrast the developments. 了解更多关于 阿特拉斯:为什么权力不平等? 

    学生将被介绍到 社会学 世界历史. 抽象思考的能力是一个u人类独有的属性. 从人类存在的开始, 宗教 has played a critical role in people’s understanding of the world and life’s purpose. 学生将探索犹太教如何, 基督教, 伊斯兰教, 印度教, 佛教, 儒家思想得到发展, 传播, and shaped their followers’ beliefs; defined government, laws and social structure; inspired art and culture; and brought civilizations together, 以及, 把他们分开. 了解更多关于 阿特拉斯:我们如何决定相信什么?   

    学生将学习 经济学 世界历史. 一旦人们定居下来并声称拥有土地,他们就想要更多. Examples include Sumerians blocking people downriver from water from the irrigation systems, people in Inner China building the Great Wall to keep out people from Outer China, and how the members of OPEC control the flow of oil to the world today. The year will culminate will students building bridges between ancient history and the current geo-political landscape. 了解更多关于 A特拉斯:谁得到资源?