    • Medications
      The Ann Arbor Public Schools medication policy states that the on-site administration of any medication requires written authorization on file. The authorization must be signed by both a physician and a parent, whether the medication is prescribed or over-the-counter. Life-saving medications with forms must be turned in to the Main Office before the child can attend. All medications must be in their original containers and clearly labeled. Parents must provide separate, original, labeled containers of medicine in the Main Office. Tappan follows the district policy governing the use of Epi-pen injections for insect or food allergies.

      Some instances will allow for student self-administration of medication, such as the use of an Epi-pen. Please consult the Main Office or the school Nurse about your student's eligibility to self-carry medication.

      * We do not keep over-the-counter medication on hand. ALL medication must be brought in by a parent in the conditions stated above. This includes but is not limited to: Allergy medicine, cough drops, ibuprofen/Motrin/Tylenol, PeptoBismol/Tums.