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December 19, 2017 PTO Minutes

  • Motion to approve previous meeting minutes made by Sarah Russell, seconded by Anne Traicoff and passed with no objections or abstentions.

    Teacher Report: Thanks to the PTO for providing food for conferences and approving the purchase of Spelling City which excited the students. It has already shown dividends with student performance.

    Ms. York: Our Holiday Wish drive was able to fill all requests this year—much thanks to the Thurston community. Talent Show will be the same as previous years, with a quick audition for a slot in the main show.

    Ms. Callahan: There was a problem with the skating volunteer link but it has been fixed. We can still use help if you are interested. We hope to have enough skates this year with the additional rentals from Buhr Park. Personal skates will be collected in front of the school by parents. All students will be transported to the ice rink whether they choose to skate or not.

    Treasurer Report: It is tax season and we have to file even though we have tax-exempt status. We need all our receipts to show that we are in compliance. A reminder that we do not pay for admissions costs for field trips. Teachers should ask parents for assistance with admissions fees that push the cost above the per-student allotment.

    Winter Carnival would like some of their profits to use toward next year’s decorations while they are on sale.   Brandy C. Merritt made a motion to use $500.00 of this year’s profits toward the sale of winter items. Motion seconded by Sarah Russell and passed with no objections.